As the school year draws to a close, we at The Toronto Heschel School have the bittersweet task of bidding farewell to our wonderful Shinshinim, Yahli and Shaked. To mark their departure, they have gifted us with a special song that holds deep meaning for them and, now, for us.

The song comes from a TV show that Yahli and Shaked grew up watching in Israel. They feel its lyrics resonate deeply with the spirit of our school.

Here is an English translation of the chorus:

“Always remember, there is a place where you are not alone. Shout, dance, sing, jump, let yourself be you. No longer on the sidelines, no longer alone, everyone here is special.”

This message encapsulates the warmth, inclusivity, and joy that Yahli and Shaked have brought to our community. Their time with us has been filled with such memorable moments, and their final musical gift serves as a beautiful reminder of the bonds we’ve formed.

Thank you, Yahli and Shaked, for everything. You will always be a cherished part of our community.

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